Dental Services and Procedures – Dental Hygiene Association

It can help ease any problems that you’re experiencing with your gums or teeth. The video shows you how to go about various procedures.

The process first demonstrates a process of adding facades to the teeth. A tool is used to remove the outer layer, and then a cleaner is applied to clear the tooth of any debris. The use of adhesives is to attach a prosthetic face on your teeth.

The next procedure is unimpacting wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause mouth pain or the crowding. It is possible to open your gum to expose the affected tooth below. The dentist uses a tool to slice the tooth in half, and removes the pieces in smaller ones.

The next videos show different orthodontic treatments like retainers and braces that can correct the gap between teeth, missalignment, overbites, underbites, crowding, and more.

This video will show you how to wash your gums to prevent gingivitis. The plaque is then removed and the tooth cleaned clean using a special cleansing fluid. Then, the dentist pulls the gum tissue off the roof and puts it onto the gum.

For more instances of dental treatments, go to the link above.


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